All EV charging for
Homes and Businesses

As a leading provider of electric vehicle charging solutions, we offer a range of reliable and efficient chargers that include both AC and DC charging.

AC EV Chargers

DC EV Chargers

Why Choose SOUTH EV Chargers

all ev charger products

SOUTH lays the foundations for a future of smarter, reliable, and emission-free mobility, accessible by everyone, everywhere. SOUTH offers a total ev charging solution from compact, high quality AC wallboxes, to reliable DC fast charging stations with robust connectivity, we deploy infrastructure that meet the needs of the next generation of smarter mobility.

SOUTH E-mobility has been continually developing how we optimize charging, utilization and availability, we help charging network operators deploy fast-charging stations and accelerate the transition to future mobility.

A hassle-free way to charge your EV from the comfort of your own home.

Simplify your transition to electric mobility and achieve your revenue goals.

Charge EVs in minutes with fast charging solutions for on-the-go locations.

EV Charger FAQs

Choosing the right type of charging station depends on your specific needs, business, and charging goals. Here are some considerations for AC and DC charging stations, their advantages, suitable scenarios, and how they may align with your business: Residential:
  • Type: AC Chargers (Level 2)
  • Advantages: AC chargers are practical for overnight charging at homes, providing convenience for residents with electric vehicles.
  • Business Alignment: Property developers can integrate residential AC charging infrastructure to attract environmentally aware homebuyers and tenants.
Shopping Mall:
  • Type: AC Chargers (Level 2)
  • Advantages: AC chargers provide moderate-speed charging, allowing shoppers to charge their EVs while browsing or dining at the mall.
  • Business Alignment: Shopping malls can enhance the visitor experience and attract eco-conscious shoppers by providing convenient AC charging options.
Hotel or Resort:
  • Types: AC Chargers (Level 2) and DC Fast Chargers (Level 3)
  • Advantages: Hotels and resorts can cater to both guests who stay overnight and travelers passing through. AC chargers allow guests to charge their EVs while they sleep, while DC fast chargers serve guests and travelers who need a quick charge to continue their journey.
  • Business Alignment: Offering a mix of chargers can attract eco-conscious travelers and provide an additional amenity that sets the establishment apart.
Commercial Parking Garages:
  • Types: AC Chargers (Level 2) and DC Fast Chargers (Level 3)
  • Advantages: Parking garages in urban areas can provide charging options for daily commuters (AC) and those needing quick charges during the workday (DC).
  • Business Alignment: Charging infrastructure can generate additional revenue for parking facilities and attract environmentally conscious commuters.
Tourist Attractions:
  • Types: AC Chargers (Level 2) and DC Fast Chargers (Level 3)
  • Advantages: Tourist destinations can cater to local visitors (AC) and travelers exploring the area (DC), ensuring they have access to charging facilities. Business
  • Alignment: Providing charging services can attract eco-tourists and encourage longer stays at tourist attractions.
Fleet Operations:
  • Type: DC Fast Chargers (Level 3)
  • Advantages: DC fast chargers are ideal for fleets because they charge rapidly, reducing downtime for electric vehicles. Quick top-ups can keep fleet vehicles on the road longer.
  • Business Alignment: Fleet operators, such as delivery companies or taxi services, benefit from DC fast chargers to ensure their vehicles remain operational throughout the day.
Gas Station:
  • Type: A combination of AC (Level 2) and DC Fast Chargers (Level 3)
  • Advantages: Gas stations can attract both local customers needing AC charging for routine errands and long-distance travelers requiring DC fast charging for quick pit stops.
  • Business Alignment: To remain relevant in the era of electric mobility, gas stations can diversify their services by offering a mix of charging options.
The primary distinction between home EV chargers and commercial EV chargers lies in their intended purpose and usage.
Home EV Chargers:
Home EV chargers are designed for residential use and are typically installed in a homeowner’s garage or driveway. They serve the purpose of charging personal electric vehicles. These chargers are convenient for daily charging needs and are generally slower in charging speed compared to commercial chargers. Home chargers are compact, user-friendly, and often integrated with the homeowner’s electrical system. They can be managed through mobile apps for scheduling and monitoring.
Commercial EV Chargers:
On the other hand, commercial EV chargers are tailored for public, workplace, and commercial use. They cater to a broader audience, including employees, customers, visitors, and fleet vehicles. Commercial chargers are commonly found at various locations, such as shopping malls, office parking lots, gas stations, airports, and public charging stations. They offer different charging levels, including fast DC charging (Level 3), to meet the demand for quick charging needs. These robust chargers feature advanced functionalities such as payment processing, authentication methods (RFID cards, mobile apps), and remote management systems. They are designed to withstand high usage and are compatible with various EV models.
In essence, home EV chargers are intended for individual, residential use, while commercial EV chargers are engineered to serve the public and business settings, offering a more comprehensive range of features and faster charging speeds to accommodate a diverse user base.
EV chargers do not universally support all-electric vehicles (EVs). Compatibility between an EV and a charger depends on several key factors:
  1. Charging Port Type: Different EVs are equipped with various types of charging ports. Common connector types include CHAdeMO, CCS (Combined Charging System), and Tesla’s proprietary connector. For successful charging, the charger must have a matching plug or adapter to align with the vehicle’s charging port.
  2. Charging Standards: EVs adhere to distinct charging standards, such as Level 1 (120V AC), Level 2 (240V AC), and Level 3 (DC fast charging). Compatibility hinges on whether the charger supports the same charging standard as the EV.
  3. Charging Speed: Chargers have varying power outputs dictating the charging speed. EVs must be compatible with the charger’s power level to use it efficiently. For instance, a Level 3 DC fast charger may not be suitable for an EV designed solely for Level 2 charging.
  4. Adapter Requirements: Some EVs necessitate adapters to interface with specific charger types. Tesla vehicles, for example, often require an adapter to connect to non-Tesla chargers.
  5. Voltage and Frequency Matching: The charger’s input voltage and frequency must align with the electrical system of its installation location. This consideration becomes crucial, especially for international travel.
It’s worth noting that choosing EN Plus ensures comprehensive compatibility, allowing you to charge your EV seamlessly across various charger types.

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